Introduction about Mobile App 

The term mobile app refers to software applications that are designed to run on smartphones and tablets. Mobile apps can be used to create innovative solutions that were previously impossible using traditional desktop software. These apps can include anything from games, to social networking tools, to business management systems. However, the primary purpose of mobile apps is to provide value to users.

Programming Languages For Mobile App Development

Here have a look at the best Programming Languages for Mobile App Development


JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages in use today. This is due to its ease of use, cross-platform compatibility, and rich libraries that are available. With this comes the ability to make apps that run on any device from smartphones to tablets. If you want your mobile app to have a high likelihood of success, then you should consider using JavaScript.


Although Java is still used by many companies to create enterprise applications, it isn’t nearly as popular as some other languages. The reason for this is that Java can be difficult to learn for someone who is not familiar with coding. However, if you already know how to code in another language, learning Java won’t be too challenging.


Python is another programming language that provides developers with a lot of flexibility. Because of this, it’s often used by coders who are looking to build web services. Python makes it easy to integrate complex systems together while being easy to understand for beginners. In addition, Python offers excellent support for both developing desktop and mobile apps.

Android (Java)

Android was first released in 2008, and since then has become the world’s biggest OS platform. Java is a high-level programming language that supports many other languages, including C/C++ and Objective-C. With Android Studio, it is easy to create apps for this platform, no matter what your experience level. This is due to the fact that the IDE includes code completion, debugging tools, project management, and much more. The downside to developing on Android is that its API is constantly changing, and it can be harder to build cross-platform applications than using native platforms like iOS.

IOS (Objective-C / Swift)

IOS was developed in 2009 by Apple Inc., and they later introduced it to the public in June of 2010. It is a powerful operating system, mainly used for mobile devices and tablet computers. Like Android, it is based off of the Linux kernel, but it also incorporates various frameworks and libraries such as Cocoa Touch, Core Data, etc. Swift is a newer version of Objective-C created by Apple Inc., it enables developers to write clean code without worrying about memory management.

Objective C

Objective C was created by NeXT (now known as Apple) back in 1990. It was originally designed to write application code for NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP platforms. Since then, it has been adopted by Apple as its official implementation of Mac and iOS development. Like other object-oriented programming languages, Objective C makes heavy use of OOP principles, like encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.


Swift is a programming language developed by Apple Inc., that was first released in 2014. Swift is designed to build iOS apps that are high-performance, easy to use, and have a great user experience. Swift is built from the ground up as a safe, secure, efficient, and intuitive object-oriented programming language.


Kotlin is actually an extension of the Java programming language. It is designed to make Android coding easier and faster while still providing access to all of Java’s functionality. This makes it a great option for those who want to work on both Android and web projects at the same time.


Go is a free open-source programming language created by Google Inc. It’s designed to develop networked applications that are simple to deploy and manage. It offers great performance, good concurrency control, and simple interfaces.


PHP is a scripting language created by Rasmus Lerdorf. It is usually integrated into web servers like Apache HTTP Server, IIS, nginx, etc. PHP is not only used for back end systems, but frontend too. Companies like Facebook, Paypal, and Yahoo! have built some of their apps in PHP.

Mobile App Development Platforms and Tools


Xamarin is a cross-platform mobile application development platform that allows developers to build native apps using C and.NET technology. Using this toolkit, you can develop both Android as well as iOS applications. This makes it easier for users to download your app from either platform, since they don’t have to worry about downloading different versions of your app for each operating system.


PhoneGap is a HTML5 framework that enables the developer to create hybrid native apps. PhoneGap is free and open source software, allowing developers to use JavaScript and CSS to write code and build their own apps. You can easily convert these apps into native ones using PhoneGap.


Unity is a game engine developed by Unity Technologies. With its help, you can make games for any platform, including desktop computers, smartphones, tablets, consoles, wearable devices, etc. The best thing about Unity is that it’s free and open source.

Ionic Framework

Ionic framework is a cross-platform mobile app development platform that allows developers to rapidly build high quality native apps using HTML5 and JavaScript. Ionic provides a set of tools that allow developers to easily create beautiful, powerful iOS and Android apps.

React Native

React Native is a free, open-source library created by Facebook that enables fast development of native mobile apps using only a single language, JSX. This means that you simply write your app once in JSX and have it work across multiple platforms at the same time.

Types of Mobile App 

Android Apps

Android apps are developed using Java programming language, which makes them cross-platform compatible. They are installed directly onto your device’s operating system (OS) and run independently from the OS. Since they don’t require any special hardware requirements, they can be used across multiple platforms.

iOS Apps

iOS apps are written in Objective C, and they run on devices running Apple’s iOS platform. They are not compatible with other mobile operating systems, and they do require certain specialized hardware components.

Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps combine the best aspects of both native and web apps. They work like native apps but load faster than web apps, providing a better user experience.

HTML5 Apps

HTML5 apps use web technologies such as JavaScript and CSS3, making them easy to develop, maintain, and scale.

How to Choose the Best Programming Language for Mobile App Development

Mobile application programming has become increasingly popular as a way to reach out to a wide audience. In fact, mobile app developers are some of the highest paid professionals in today’s job market due to high demand. However, choosing the right language for developing a successful mobile app can be challenging. This guide will help you understand what programming languages are available, how they work, and what your options look like. Additionally, we will discuss some of the common pros and cons associated with each option. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of what programming languages are out there, and be able to choose the best one for your project needs.

 The term “programming language” refers to the computer code that allows computers to communicate with each other. There are many different types of programming languages including:

  • Object-Oriented (OO) – OO languages focus on objects and classes and allow programmers to group data together into packages called objects. These groups of information then interact together in ways that make sense to humans. Some examples include Java, C, JavaScript, etc.
  • Procedural (Prog.) – Procedural languages give users direct control over instructions through simple commands that are executed sequentially. Examples include BASIC, Pascal, C/C++, etc.
  • Functional (Func.) – Functional languages are designed for functional programming, allowing users to write programs that perform actions based on inputs rather than outputs. Examples include Lisp, Prolog, etc.
  • Logic (Logic) – Logic languages are used for writing machine logic programs. They are frequently used for automating tasks in business environments, but may be considered too difficult for non-technical users. Examples include LISP, Prolog, etc.,

Mobile app development has become extremely popular over the years. There are many reasons that this is happening but the biggest reason is that people want to have their own mobile application for different purposes. While this can be done easily through web development, it is not equally effective. In this article we will discuss some of the benefits of having your own mobile application.

 Benefits of Mobile Application –

  • Easy Accessibility
  • Convenience
  • Easy Sharing
  • Customized User Interface


Mobile app development has become extremely popular these days. People are using their phones more than computers now. They use mobile apps to get information, communication and entertainment. Nowadays, almost every smartphone comes with some form of internet connectivity. Smartphones have changed our lives completely. This has led to huge demand for app developers who can create apps that run on smartphones.

The rise of mobile technology has been phenomenal. There were only a handful of people who had access to a computer back in the 1990s. But now, everyone has a smartphone. That’s why this article aims to give you a sneak peek into the world of mobile app development. We’ll talk about what makes a good app, how to improve your designs and much more! 

Still have queries about Mobile App? Visit us for Mobile App Design & Development.

Deuglo is a Mobile App Development Company that creates apps for iOS, Android, Windows devices that solve business problems and make customers happier.